The Weight of a PaperWeight
You recognize your crazy comes from more than one source… you’re welcome.
Chinese Twilight Zone
This next installment is another collection of memories. I was only 7 years old when this took place. I remember a great many things in great detail, and others are just impressions.
If We Lose We Die, But If We Win We WIN!!!
I’m a freshman or sophomore in high school. As per usual, we are spending the majority of the summer in Mexico. This year my brother’s best friends Chris and Mario joined us for ten days. During that stay, we took a trip to Acapulco with our family friends the Choussales.
Karma of the Human Starfish
Sometimes there are these moments in life where it feels like the inevitable conclusion that Karma will, in fact, avenge you.
You No like’a the Chop!?
This coming Wednesday is Mick’s birthday. He would have been 59 years old and he passed away on February 28th, 2017. I can’t believe it’s been almost 8 months since my partner of 15 years succumbed to cancer. Amidst the tragedy of his death, I often reminisce in the brilliant stories he would share. This is one of my favorite ones; it is not as good as he would have told it but I will do my best.
I Said Tuck and Roll Ladies!!
There’s a part of me that truly believes he threw this in my face because he knew what I was and he wanted no part of it. I’m sure there were other motivations: this is the way you forge a man from a child, men are not sissies, men are better than women, blah blah blah. It’s pretty amazing that considering what I do for a living, my father was the only person I never told I was gay. So here’s a little story about karma and bigotry.